Some Dikraneurini (Auchenorrhyncha: Cicadellidae: Typhlocybinae) from south-east Asia

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1993
Authors:I. Dworakowska
Journal:Oriental Insects
Date Published:1993
Accession Number:ZOOREC:ZOOR12900057202
Keywords:[Japan / / ] [Myanmar / / ] [Nepal / / ] [Taiwan / / ] [Thailand /, / ]., Dikraneurini [Oriental region / / South east Asia; Systematics &, distribution] [Palaearctic region / / ] [India / / ] [Indonesia / / ], Erythria rudobreva [Jammu and Kashmir / / Gulmarg; New species].

The following new taxa of the genus group are described: Golwala, G. (Samruadkita), and Urvana. The new species described are: Golwala aurata, G. bipunctata, G. alborubra, G. subrosea, G. (Samruadkita) sommaiae, Urvana pictilis, U. taiwana, Erythria rudobreva, E. oculata, E. vidanoi, Dikraneura fragilis, D. orientalis, Ayubiana enta, Anaka blada, A. sumatrana, A. shashidhari, and A. burmensis. Duttaella Ramakrishnan & Menon is recognized as a junior synonym of Ayubiana Ahmed. Their type species, D. punjabensis Ramakrishnan & Menon and A. lantanae Ahmed are conspecific. New faunistic data for E. facialis (Distant), six species of Dikraneura Hardy, A. lantanae Ahmed, two species of Anaka Dworakowska & Viraktamath, and Kirkaldykra apis (Dworakowska) are given together with the supplementary illustrations of the latter.

URL:<Go to ISI>://ZOOR12900057202
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