Population dynamics of mango hopper as influenced by abiotic factors in new Gangetic alluvial zone of West Bengal

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2005
Authors:S. R. Hati, Sahoo, S. K., Jha, S., Saha, A.
Journal:Environment and Ecology (Kalyani)
Date Published:June 2005
Accession Number:ZOOREC:ZOOR14110060767
Keywords:[Temperature / / ] [West Bengal / Nadia, Kalyani / ]., Amritodus atkinsoni; Idioscopus clypealis; Idioscopus niveosparsus [Food, availability / / Population dynamics on food plant effect] [Population, dynamics / / On food plant; influences] [Cultivated land habitat /, Orchard / Population dynamics on food plant] [Climate and weather / / ]

The population dynamics of mango hopper in relation to weather parameters were investigated during July 2003 to June 2004. It was found that hopper population was at peak during second fortnight of March in panicle whereas in the trunk region maximum hopper population was observed during second fortnight of May. Availability of food material and higher thermal regime help to increase the hopper population. The heavy rainfall reduced the hopper population. Maximum temperature, night temperature and afternoon vapor pressure were found to be strongly correlated with hopper population and these three factors could explain 64 and 59% variability of hopper population in the shoot or panicle and on the trunk region of mango, respectively.

URL:<Go to ISI>://ZOOR14110060767
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