Lag correlation between the peak monsoon rains and peak appearance of rice green leafhoppers in West Bengal

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1987
Authors:S. Mukhopadhyay
Journal:Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy Part B Biological Sciences
Date Published:1987
Accession Number:ZOOREC:ZOOR12400030970
Keywords:[India / / West Bengal; Kalyani]., / Monsoon rainfall; mathematical correlation with seasonal abundance], abundance correlation with monsoon rainfall] [Seasonal abundance / /, correlation with monsoon rainfall] [Mathematical model / / Seasonal, Mathematical correlation with monsoon rainfall] [Climate and weather /, Nephotettix [Ecological modelling / / Seasonal abundance mathematical

The number of rice green leafhopper trapped over several years at the plant virus experimental field, Kalyani (West Bengal) is related to monsoon rains with different lag periods. When the moving average of trapped leafhoppers for 15 days during September to November and the corresponding moving total rainfall during July, August and September, for 6 years were compared, the most significant correlations were found at different lag periods, varying from 48 days to 74 days. The regression analysis on the correlation observed in different years for three consecutive years and the lag days for each year, the number of trapped leafhoppers were predicted and compared with the actual numbers of leafhoppers trapped.

URL:<Go to ISI>://ZOOR12400030970
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