Population behaviour (sex-ratio) of mango hopper, Amritodus atkinsoni Leth and their parasitisation under prevailing temperature and humidity under field condition in south Gujarat

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1989
Authors:R. K. Patel, Patel, S. R., Shah, A. H.
Journal:Indian Journal of Entomology
Date Published:1989
Accession Number:ZOOREC:ZOOR12700045071
Keywords:(Lepidoptera)] [Population sex ratio / / Distribution & seasonality on, [Sexual dimorphism / / Seasonal weight changes; maturation, / South Gujarat; Sex ratio & weight changes on food plant; Lepidopteran, & lepidopteran parasites] [Humidity / / Sex ratio; maturation &, Amritodus atkinsoni [Weight / / Seasonal changes; sexual maturation, Epipyrops fuliginosa [Hemipteran hosts / / Amritodus atkinsoni;, food plant] [Cultivated land habitat / / Mango; sex ratio distribution, host; influences] [Humidity / / Prevalence on hemipteran host, influencing factors] [Prevalence / / Amritodus atkinsoni (Hemiptera), influencing factors] [Prevalence / / Epipyrops fuliginosa, lepidopteran parasite prevalence relations] [Temperature / / ] [India /, on hemipteran host]., parasite prevalence]., ratio distribution & lepidopteran parasite prevalence; influence], relations; influences] [Food plants / / Mangifera indica (mango); Sex, relationships] [Lepidopteran parasites / / Epipyrops fuliginosa;, relationships] [Sexual maturation / / Seasonal weight change, relationships] [Temperature / / ] [India / / South Gujarat; Prevalence

The female dominated the population of Amritodus atkinsoni throughout the year. There was preferential residence of male and female in lower and upper part of the mango-tree respectively. Incidence of the ecto-parasite [Epipyropes fulginosa] of the abdomen of male and female of A. atkinsoni could be correlated with rise in humidity of the environment during period of June, July and August. Significant rise in both fresh weight as well as dry weight was noticed along with advancement of sexual maturity in both the sexes of A. atkinsoni. This was attributed to possible accumulation of the metabolites and minerals in the insects during peak of the breeding period caused by triggering of metabolic machinery in A. atkinsoni.

URL:<Go to ISI>://ZOOR12700045071
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