Seasonal Abundance of Mango Hopper, Amritodus Atkinsoni (Leth.) (Jassidae: Homoptera) in Different Environmental Conditions of Jammu Region

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:Submitted
Authors:B. Sharma, Sharma S.
Journal:Journal of Environment and Bio-Sciences
Date Published:June 2011
Accession Number:ZOOREC:ZOOR14810066237
Keywords:] [Distribution within habitat / / ] [Abiotic factors / Environmental, Amritodus atkinsoni [Damage to crops / Damage to mango fruits / ] [Food, conditions / ] [Jammu and Kashmir / Jammu region / ]., plants / Mango / ] [Population dynamics / Seasonal abundance dynamics /

Seasonal abundance of mango hopper was studied in different enviromental condition of Jammu region. The mango hopper was reported first in the month of February in Udhampur area only, whereas in all other studied areas it was first recorded in the month of March. For different study different pattern of abundance has been noticed, however a decline in population by the end of october was recorded.

URL:<Go to ISI>://ZOOR14810066237
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