Effect of Abiotic Factors on Mango Hopper, Idioscopus Clypealis Leth. Population in Different Environmental Conditions of Jammu Region

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:Submitted
Authors:S. Sharma, Tara, J. S., Sharma, B.
Journal:Journal of Environment and Bio-Sciences
Date Published:June 2010
Accession Number:ZOOREC:ZOOR14703026760
Keywords:[Climate and weather / Rainfall / ] [Humidity / / ] [Temperature / / ], [Jammu and Kashmir / Jammu / ]., Idioscopus clypealis [Population dynamics / Seasonal abundance / ]

Idioscopus clypealis is a serious pest of mango in Jammu region and causes a serious loss to the crop. For this reason studies were conducted in five different areas of Jammu region from April 2001 to march 2002.From the studies conducted it was found that hopper population was at peak during April-May depending on the study area and lowest during December-January. Temperature,physical humidity and rainfall have much effect on hopper population development in all five study areas although slight variation in population built up was noticed as environmental conditions in these areas are different. Multiple correlation coefficient between Idioscopus clypealis and abiotic factors was also calculated.

URL:<Go to ISI>://ZOOR14703026760
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