Seasonal activity of nice green leafhoppers Nephotettix virescens (Dist.) and N. nigropictus (Stal) on light traps

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1986
Authors:S. K. Shrivastava, Shukla, B. C., Shastri, A. S. R. A. S., Gupta, R.
Journal:Tropical Ecology
Date Published:1986
Accession Number:ZOOREC:ZOOR12300059701
Keywords:/ / ] [Population density / / Seasonal activity on light trap, activity & population density]., correlation] [Population sex ratio / / ] [India / / Raipur; Seasonal, Light trap catch; population density correlation] [Diel activity pattern, Nephotettix nigropictus; Nephotettix virescens [Seasonal activity / /

Seasonal variation in the activity of adult green leafhoppers, Nephotettix virescens and N. nigropictus was studied on five light traps using 100 watt incandescent bulbs at Raipur during July 1983 to June 1984. The major active period of both the hoppers was September to November. During the off season (January to June) very minor activity on light traps as well as in field was observed in the months of March and April. Weekly studies of both the species of hoppers showed that there were 3 peaks in the main season, first, second and third in the 38, 43 and 48 SMW (Standard Meteorological Week), respectively. The results also revealed a positive significant correlation between light trap catch and field population of adult hoppers. During the off season 3 minor peaks were recorded in case of N. virescens, but no clear trend was observed in N. nigropictus. Hourly attraction of pests to light showed that most green leafhoppers were caught between 1900-2400. The sex ratio was almost equal in case of N. virescens while female dominance was observed in N. nigropictus.

URL:<Go to ISI>://ZOOR12300059701
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