Publication Type: | Journal Article |
Year of Publication: | 1988 |
Authors: | S. K. Shrivastava, Shukla B. C. |
Journal: | Journal of Advanced Zoology |
Volume: | 9 |
Date Published: | 1988 |
Accession Number: | ZOOREC:ZOOR12500016194 |
Keywords: | abundance / / ] [India / / Raipur; Population fluctuations on food, density / / Fluctuations on food plant during wet season] [Seasonal, Nephotettix nigropictus; Nephotettix virescens [Food plants / / Oryza, plant during wet season]., sativa (rice); Population fluctuations during wet season] [Population |
Abstract: | The major activity of green leafhoppers, Nephotettix virescens and N. nigropictus from 38th to 48th standard meteorological week (SMW) with peak population in 43rd SMW in all the years. The weekly seasonal variations and frequency of peaks during 1983, 84 and 85 indicated the possibility of completion of 3 to 4 generations during wet season (July to December). Two species of green leafhopper, N. virescens and N. nigropictus are existing in this region [India], with former being predominant. The female dominance was observed in both the species of green leafhopper during all the years. |
URL: | <Go to ISI>://ZOOR12500016194 |