Indian species of the deltocephaline leafhopper genus Scaphotettix Matsumura (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae)

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1993
Authors:C. A. Viraktamath, Mohan G. S.
Journal:Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society
Date Published:December 1993
Accession Number:ZOOREC:ZOOR13100037364
Keywords:Scaphotettix [India / / First record & systematics]., Scaphotettix agumbensis; Scaphotettix malnadicus [Karnataka / / New, Scaphotettix arcuatus [Tamil Nadu / / Shembhaganur; New species]., Scaphotettix freytagi [Karnataka / / New species] [Kerala / /, Scaphotettix quadrifidus [Kerala / / Thekkadi; New species]., species]., Thekkadi].

The genus Scaphotettix Matsumura is redefined. Its relationship with Scaphoideus Uhler, with which it is often confused is discussed. Five new species namely, Scaphotettix agumbensis sp. nov. (from Karnataka: Agumbe, Bhagamandala), Scaphotettix arcuatus sp. nov. (from Tamil Nadu: Kodaikanal, Shembhaganur), Scaphotettix freytagi sp. nov. (from Kerala: Thekkadi; Karnataka: Jog Falls, Mudigere), Scaphotettix malnadicus sp. nov. (from Karnataka: Jog Falls) and Scaphotettix quadrifidus sp. nov. (from Kerala: Thekkadi) are described and illustrated. Scaphotettix redundans (Distant) comb. nov. and Scaphotettix indicus (Distant) comb. nov. earlier placed in the genus Scaphoidens are also redescribed, illustrated and lectotype designations are made. A key to species of Scaphotettix dealt with is also provided.

URL:<Go to ISI>://ZOOR13100037364
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