Canopyana vateriae gen. nov. and sp. nov. - A leafhopper breeding on Vateria indica and a new record of Bhatia distanti (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Selenocephalinae) from south India

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2006
Authors:C. A. Viraktamath, Srinivasa Y. B.
Date Published:Sep 4 2006
Accession Number:ZOOREC:ZOOR14212072622
Keywords:Bhatia distanti [Karnataka / Mudigere / New record]., Canopyana vateriae [Karnataka / / New species].

Canopyana gen. nov. with Canopyana vateriae sp. nov. as type species is described and illustrated. The new species was collected on Vateria indica L. (Dipterocarpaceae) while canopy was being sampled in Karnataka. The new genus is similar to Kutara Distant but differs in differently placed antennal bases, shape of the head and the male genitalia. Bhatia distanti Zhang and Webb previously known only from Sri Lanka is recorded for the first time from Western Ghats of India.

URL:<Go to ISI>://ZOOR14212072622
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