Traiguma nasuta (Membracoidea)
General description:
Head, pronotum, scutellum, sternum, legs and abdomen beneath, griseous; metasternum more or less piceous; abdomen above pale brownish-ochraceous, the lateral and apical areas broadly griseous; face behind eyes with lateral oblique dark striae; tegmina griseous with darker granules and shadings; wings very pale fuliginous, hyaline, the veins darker; vertex with four anterior discal tubercles arranged in pairs; the whole surface somewhat thickly palely ochraceously pilose; pronotum with some small obscure tubercles on anterior disk; head beneath and sternum very thickly finely pilose.
Length excl. tegm ♂ & ♀ 10½ to 12; exp. tegm. 14 millim.
Hab. Nilgiri Hills (Hampson); Utakamand (Coll. Dist.)